Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Peoria to Willow Island

As we continue down the Illinois we have been anchoring, checking out small towns, and concluding the eight locks of the Illinois River. After and enjoyable evening at Peoria we traveled on to Quiver Island where we anchored near the town of Havana.  This area had so many jumping Asian carp that they not only jumped over the dinghy they landed in the dinghy! Our next evening took us to Bar Island near the town of Beardstown.  Time and  Tide joined us for a dinghy run and we checked out the town. Not too much here but we enjoyed the town.  The temperature has been climbing the last few days and today we have hit 95 with a promise of a few more days to come!!  We probably will have to get in this river this evening to stay comfortable.  We can always wash off river water.  We plan to anchor at Willow Island tonight along with Time and Tide and Sixteen Tons.  Tomorrow we will finish the Illinois and prepare for the long desolate trip of the Mississippi.  At least we will have a good current pushing us on the Mississippi.

Gary and Christelle (Time and Tide)

Lock Eight Illinois River

Down the Illinois River

New Cat Friends From Time and Tide
(Jacob and Josie)

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