The last few days have been long ones with lots of anchorages and no WI FI and then computer problems. I have lots to share! Wednesday July 24th due to high winds we could not travel. It was just as well because Mike finished repairs, I did laundry, we met up with two other loopers and purchased the needed charts to begin the 168.5 miles on Georgian Bay.
Thursday morning July 25th we finally finished the last lock on the Trent Severn Waterway #45 and began the trip along the Georgian Bay also dubbed the Thirty Thousand Islands. This body of water can be quite tricky to travel unless you carefully study and prepare your charts, but it is probably the most beautiful waterway yet. The weather today was perfect and the scenery breathtaking. I will attach several pictures for you but they cannot really do Georgian Bay justice. This entire area is full of granite boulders jutting up and out from all directions. This makes many areas quite shallow. Out paths have crossed again with our good friends on the Miss Ginny and we are traveling this stretch of the loop together. Tonight we are anchored in Georgian Bay along large granite boulders and small coves. Friday July 26th we have covered another 63 miles of Georgian Bay today. The maze we traveled on the small craft route as opposed to all open waters is really a crisscross of paths through boulders and rock beds. This is no time to take a nap or look away. We are anchored again this evening in a large cove we found on the charts for anchorage along with the boat Miss Ginny. Tomorrow will bring more open water before we can tuck back in on the small craft route at Killlarney. Saturday July 27th, after a very early start, a rough few hours on Georgian Bay, and back into the small craft we have come to the end of Georgian Bay. This evening after covering 68 miles today. Our journey today took us past the town of Killarnery which begins the North Channel where we stopped for lunch at the famous Hubert's Fisheries Fish and Chips where they serve up fresh perch just caught and fried, served out of an old school bus dockside. From here we covered the last 22 miles or so to Little Current where we are anchored in a cove and plan to buy groceries tomorrow morning before we head up the North Channel. If all goes well we should be out of Canada in just a few days. While Canada has been beautiful it is also a very expensive place. The sales tax rate is 13%.

Point Au Baril Lighthouse |
Herbert Fisheries Fish and Chips |
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